Embark on an innovative journey at Wageningen University & Research (WUR), where cutting-edge digital solutions meet sustainable farming practices. To work towards a future where food is sustainably produced and where we have other protein sources beyond the use of livestock, one possible solution is a greater use of mushrooms. Discover how DigiFungi, a pioneering digital training platform funded by WUR’s Road to Innovation Grant, is transforming the mushroom industry. This campus visit has room for 30 attendees.

Under the guidance of Will Hurst, Associate Professor in Data Science and eXtended Realities, explore how DigiFungi leverages digital twin technology and gaming concepts to simulate mushroom production. This hands-on approach not only addresses labor shortages in the mushroom sector but also caters to the booming market for exotic mushroom varieties, which holds significant promise as a sustainable protein source.

With a market value of approximately €45 billion in China alone, the mushroom industry – as a source of new proteins- is ripe for innovation. At WUR, we are committed to redefining traditional production processes and training future growers through gamification. Join us to see how we’re using our expertise in Agrifood to lead the charge in digital training, making an impactful step towards a sustainable food future.

May 23 @ 09:45
09:45 — 10:40 (55′)

On Campus