New Book: Our Future Proteins – A Diversity of Perspectives

The free ‘Our Future Proteins – A Diversity of Perspectives’ book is out now. It compiles the views of 100+ experts on the transition to sustainable protein. The book explores a wide range of directions. It looks at rethinking protein production systems and taking a pragmatic approach to balancing global and local supply chains. Thanks to the variety of views, Our Future Proteins gives an overview of a dynamic transition. Four of the editors are associates of Wageningen University and Research, a founding partner of F&A Next.  

All About Protein 

Protein has become a double-edged sword. Protein is an essential macronutrient. But many protein-rich foods are the culprits when it comes to the environmental burdens of food production. Our Future Proteins presents a broad set of perspectives on the protein transition. And it starts a dialogue between these perspectives. The authors debunk common myths about the protein transition. As well as look at conflicting narratives which hinder progress.

Exploring the Future of Protein  

There is a discussion on the potential for sustainable food systems and their impact on global wellbeing. It contrasts protein sources, technology development routes, and social and policy intervention strategies. 

The big question is whether the current global efforts to make food systems more sustainable are helping prevent a global food crisis. It is clear from the data that there is a big disparity between high-income and low-income countries. High-income countries tend to overconsume protein-rich foods. While low-income countries tend to have a scarcity of protein-rich foods. This data presents a priority for a fair transition. That fair transition should also address the fair distribution of resources. 

Different Routes Lead to the Same Goal 

The book highlights the different motivations and solutions for the protein transition. Yet, they all work towards a shared goal of making a protein transition that helps us consume within the boundaries of our planet. The editors of the book found it important to allow many potential solution directions to co-exist.  

You can download a free copy of the digital version of Our Future Proteins here.

Meet the Editors 

Coming to F&A Next? Dive further into this topic by joining the sidetrack Adoption of Alternative Proteins. Featuring David Welch and Stacy Pyett, two editors of the book. The sidetrack takes place on Thursday 25 May, day 2 of the summit.  

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